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阅读:832 次 作者: 来源:搜狐 发布日期:2018-04-23 15:49:21



  1. 审题偏差:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.

  该题目乍一看之下是个非常普通的“movies and television”的利弊讨论题,很多考生都准备过这一话题(或者是类似的话题),在考场上遇到这个话题后可能直接将背过的观点,段落,或者例子直接照搬,给出例如“strengthen one country’s culture”或者是“act as a pressure reliever“等观点,并不假思索地给出相应的”explanations, exemplifications and/or details”。然而悲剧的是,以上这些论点全部都没有切中题目的要害,甚至没有回答题目的核心层面“the way young people behave”。

  换句话说,在回答“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.”这个题目时,我们不仅仅需要“television和movies“相关话题的语料,还要解释为何他们可以对年轻人的行为产生影响。在讨论过程中,年轻人和行为的影响都是必须要设计的因素。

  所以,针对这个话题,我们不应应该单单说“the introduction of movies and television plays a crucial role in strengthening our national identities”,而应该是“young people are likely to be induced into a traditional way of life after being exposed to national identities carried by movies and television domestically made”; 也不能仅仅说“media products, like films and Television programs, usually act as a pressure reliever”, 而必须谈到“ Acting as a pressure reliever, films and Television programs may provide a safer way to release their negative emotions. That, more or less, curbs their impulse to hurt others or even commit serious crime”。

  Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphones, video games, for fun and entertainment, playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for children’s development。这个题目很多考生也容易仅仅比较“playing computers, smartphones, and video games”和“playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends”之间哪个更有趣,而忽略了题目末尾的“would海域 be better for children’s development“。换句话说,这个题目需要考生比较的除了趣味性之外,还有不同娱乐方式对于孩子今后发展的益处,比如说“become more creative“ 或者说”be accustomed to working as a team”等等。


  2. 论点单薄:

  在第四版OG中,关于Argument发展的错误有一个非常生动范例“At the heart of any discussion regarding an issue pertaining to creating a new holiday, it has to be borne in mind that a delicate line has to be trod when dealing with such matters. The human resources involved in such matters cannot be guaranteed regardless of all the good intentions that may be lavished While it is true that creating a new holiday might be viable and laudable remedy, it is transparently clear that applied wrongly such a course of action could be calamitous and compound the problem rather than provide a solution”。

  在这个范例中,看似有一些观点比如“a new holiday might be viable and laudable remedy”和“applied wrongly such a course of action could be calamitous and compound the problem rather than provide a solution”, 但是这些观点都没有能够被清晰的阐述,更没有任何“explanation, exemplification and details”, 而这些恰恰是托福写作评分最看重的部分。

  虽然在上面这个段落内有很多看似“高大上”的词汇,但整个段落内并没有出现任何一个比较明确的观点,更不必说对于观点的展开,例如explanation, exemplification or other details。OG原文的评价是“the passage uses a lot of words but fails to deliver real ideas”。在托福独立写作上,考生应该首先关注自己论点对于题目的切合度,然后是论点本身的展开度,而不是仅仅看这篇文字自己使用了多少大词。


  1. 教育学生关于自己国家/城市的历史,增强归属感和自豪感(educate students much about the history of their city or country & enhance their sense of identity and belonging);

  2. 促进消费和旅游业,推动GDP的增长(facilitate the development of travel and tourism industry as well as expand domestic demands in order to increase Gross Domestic Products);

  3. 纪念某位名人或者某次事件(by acting as a way to honor a celebrity and even, some new holidays remind people of traditional virtues)。 除了能够给出正确的观点,对于单一观点的展开也非常的重要。如果我们想要论述观点1教育学生关于自己国家/城市的历史,增强归属感和自豪感(educate students much about the history of their city or country & enhance their sense of identity and belonging), 那么我们在给出这个观点后还需要添加最少一个Main supporting sentence, 可以是一个理由:holiday events, bound up with indigenous cultural elements, can be a good access for people, especially the young, to know their traditional way of living, 然后再给出一些具体的例子,例如近年来中国强调的新节日端午(the Dragon Boat Festival), 清明(the Tomb-sweeping Day)和重阳(the Double Ninth Festival)。


  逻辑,或者说我们在学术写作中常说的CC (cohesion & coherence), 是很多考生最熟悉的陌生人。熟悉是指大家都知道,一篇好的(或者说高分的)文章必须要有CC, 而陌生是指很少有考生可以说出究竟什么是西方的逻辑,怎么来做西方的逻辑,具体就是怎么让文章可以有CC。

  经常我们能看到的情况是考生们在写作时,“不留余力”的使用所有可以想到的cohesive devices“衔接结构”来串联两个句子,试图通过使用大量的连词来使得文章显得有“逻辑”和“连贯”。还有一些同学准备了一些“段落模板”,规定好每一段的内容,想要以此帮助自己构建文章“段落逻辑”。可惜无论是“大量使用连词”还是“使用段落模板”,都无法帮助烤鸭们在文章内构建“逻辑”,不仅是因为篇章的逻辑结构取决于对于观点质量和顺序的把握,而且这种连抄带默的方法本身就会造成文内逻辑的晦涩。

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a good idea to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose old friends. 这个题其实是一个老题,在09-17年的托福考试中反复的出现。那么对于这个话题很多学生或多或少都准备过一些素材,比如说:

  1. 在新的城市/国家,我们可以交到新的朋友(it is highly possible that we can make more new friends after settling down);

  2.友情不会因为地域的间隔而被破坏(hardly can a true friendship be broken due to geographic isolation);

  3.电子通讯和服务可以帮助我们很方便的联系到住在不同城市的老朋友(modern tele-communication and tele-serving allow today’s people the opportunity to keep contact with their old friends living in a different city/country);

  4.交通的快速发展让人们可以便捷的拜访旧友(a visit to friends living hundreds or even thousands of miles away is quite convenient with efficient transportation like air flights and high-speed trains)等等。


  Body Paragraph 1: 观点2友情不会因为地域的间隔而被破坏(hardly can a true friendship be broken due to geographic isolation)

  Body Paragraph 2: 观点3电子通讯和服务可以帮助我们很方便的联系到住在不同城市的老朋友(modern tele-communication and tele-serving allow today’s people the opportunity to keep contact with their old friends living in a different city/country)

  Body Paragraph 3: 观点4交通的快速发展让人们可以便捷的拜访旧友(a visit to friends living hundreds or even thousands of miles away is quite convenient with efficient transportation like air flights and high-speed trains)


  1. 观点3-观点4:都是当今时代科技发展下沟通/拜访便利性的体现。

  The relationship with old friends is less likely to be eroded in this time and age largely as a result of the advance of technology. To be more specific, modern tele-communication and tele-serving allow today’s people the opportunity to keep contact with their old friends living in a different city/country.(展开部分省略)

  In addition, a visit to friends living hundreds or even thousands of miles away is quite convenient with efficient transportation like air flights and high-speed trains.(展开部分省略)

  2. 观点2:对前面的观点进行让步,哪怕真的不能及时和旧友保持联系,我们也应该相信真正的友情是不会被时间和地域所击破

  Even though the contact with friends living in a different city or country could not be as frequent as before, hardly can a true friendship be broken due to geographic isolation.(展开部分省略)




  知道越多的单词,能够使用越难的单词,或者说能够写/说出一些别人不知道的单词,可能是很多托福考生在英语学习过程的目标之一。考生们时常以为能写出别人轻易不能看懂的单词而“沾沾自喜”,更坚持花很多的时间记忆一些非常生僻的单词,希望能够借此在写作考试中“一鸣惊人”,殊不知托福考试对于语言的要求是很明确的“precision &appropriate”(精准和合适),而大量描述性单词的堆砌,先不论他们使用的正确性,这种写作方法的本身也是语言没有效率的体现。

  举个非常简单的例子:“people”这个单词肯定是大家都认识的。在雅思写作过程中,很多学生(特别是英语基础一般的学生)苦于没有其他可替换的单词,就把目标放在了“people”上,想借此体现自己的“同义转换”能力,然后就用出了类似于“citizens”, “residents”, “guys”甚至是“human beings”等单词。以上所说的单词虽然都表示“人”,但citizens强调是的一国的公民(可以不住在所属国),而residents(指的是居民,例如留学生),最后human beings强调人类这一生物,常常用于对比animals或者aliens。所以但我们泛指人们的时候,使用上面任意一个的转换都是错误的,如果使用people只是不加分的话(6),那么错误的替换就可能引起扣分。其实在真实写作过程中,如果要替换people, 可以根据句子的意思给出具体的人的分类,类似students, employees, players或者members of XX。

  再举个例子:“very”, 对于very的替换也是很多学生的拿手好戏,因为副词的使用是没有话题限制的(我曾经也是这么萌萌地认为)。换句话说,很多学生会准备很多非常用副词来替换常用副词,想借此来提高LR的得分。在这里我们先不讨论这种替换的提分可能性,先来看一些错误。先说一个“absolutely”, 这个单词是用来修饰具有非常强意义的形容词(adjectives with strong meanings), 类似于absolutely delighted, 而不能修饰其他类似于happy等的形容词。再比如,当我们说我真得很确信的时候,替换“very”的不应该是“strongly”, 而是“honestly”。再比如修饰“tired”的时候使用“utterly”就显得有些过分,“bitterly”就很够了。

  我们要明白less common vocabularies指的是那些不是很常用的单词,而不是生僻词。

  换句话说,雅思考试就没有要求学生去用一些“difficult vocabularies”, 更不必说一些英语古语。所谓的不是常用词汇,就是那些“日常”生活中不会使用的单词(longman 2200之外)。并且,在使用less common lexical items的时候,必须还要注意style和collocation, 比如说,生活应该比工作更重要,一般学生会说life is more important than work(注意如果句子完全写对,这已经满足6分标准),那么更有型的说法就是life takes priority over work。再例如自给自足,一般学生会说make a living或者earn a good life(这个已经是较好的生活了),更有型的说话可以是have a reasonable quality of life 或者 cover their basic needs; 这里再补充一个养家糊口 support themselves and raise the family。

  2. 语法:为了提高托福写作Language的分数,很多学生都寄希望于”长句”。



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies are worth watching only when they teach something about real life.

  Sometimes, movies with elegant visual images can release one’s spirit and get rid of work pressure for a moment. 对于上面这句,暂且不谈表达上“elegant visual images”“release one’s spirit”等问题,作为主语的movies其实是没有办法跟动词词组“get rid of work pressure”。这个问题就体现出考生在写作的时候边写边想,句子内容越写越多的同事,逻辑关系也变得错乱和不可被理解。其中,“get rid of”的主体应该是movies的观众,而所谓“elegant visual images”指的是一些大气的自然/宇宙等画面。最后改为:Sometimes, movies, with pictures of natural land scope beauty and of magnificent universe, are able to release audience’s negative emotions and shoulder them from heavy burden at least for a while.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important thing that the government should do to improve the health care is to clean the environment.

  It is acknowledged that most of daily products made of or from the materials from the environment determines people’s level of health. 对于上面这句,在看似复杂的句式的掩盖下,数个语法错误使得句子的精准度大大降低。首先,most往往在接代词的时候才会跟of, 像上文句子中直接跟名词的情况就不需要of。暂且不谈“most of daily products made of or from the materials from the environment”这一表达的准确性,在它之后的动词“determine”的主语应该是最之前的products, 而不是environment, 也就是说这里的“determine”不需要变成三单的形式“determines”。

  最后“most of daily products made of or from the materials from the environment”其中“made of or from the materials from”也出现了重复,直接简化成“most products made of nature natural materials”即可。所以最终应该改成“It is acknowledged that products made of nature natural materialsmay determine people’s level of health.”

